Dogs Available For Adoption


Pablo is a Dalmatian cross born 3/6/2016. He is a lovely boy who is very active. He would love a home with loads to do that keeps him occupied and many long walks. He is a very loving boy, who gets on with most dogs, but likes to be the dominant male in the house.  Pablo has been waiting patiently for a long time for someone to choose him.  A very kind member has offered to assist with his adoption donation if he were to find a home.


Paddy was found with his mum on a rubbish dump with his brother Max. His mum Meg, was a pure Dalmatian, we don’t know who his father is. Born in late June or early July 2018, he is a little sweetie. Friendly little boy who is affectionately called Nuzzle. Nuzzle would love a family of his own and learn how to be a happy well behaved, well just a few occasions of mischief, family member.  He is more of the brown back colour of the two now he has grown into a very handsome dog.


Max is a gorgeous boy who was found with his mum and his brother Paddy on a rubbish dump. Born late June 2018 we believe, he has a pure Dalmatian Mum but we don’t know about his dad. Max is a friendly boy but is shy, this shyness inhibits his ability to mix with other other dogs and he would benefit from socialisation classes.  


Spot is a lovely boy who is a little timid to start, but once he gets to know you he is a very loving little lad. Born in June 2016 he was one of ten puppies we rescued from a pound, that due to being full, had left then in a box in a locked van in searing heat with no water or food. We rescued them just in the nick of time. Since then Spot has grown and developed into a lovely dog who would love to have a family of his own.


Noah was one of severn puppies born to Kizzy,a dog in our care in April 2019, whose grandma was a cross Dalmatian which is how we ended up getting involved and caring for these dogs. Noah is a a lovely boy, happy and playful. He is being socialised with other dogs both male and female, but he has a jealous side and doesn’t like other dogs getting the attention over him, so would suit a home as an only dog or with another female dog. He was born in April and we would love for him to find a home so he does not spend all his puppyhood in our care.


Snow and his sister Iris were abandoned in a pound as not wanted. Probably from an unwanted litter and the owner was unable to find them homes or give them away. They were born in March 2019 and are a lovely pair of dogs. Both of them were terrified of humans when they arrived and have built confidence with his carers, he is still very shy. He will need time and patience to grow in confidence in a new home. He is sociable with female dogs, but not suitable to live with another male dog 


Duque was found wandering the streets with injuries. We don't know if he was hit by a car or beaten, He was improved in health and character in our care and has developed into a very happy playful little chap. He was born early 2019 we believe. He is a good with other dogs both male and female and loves his foster carer and the attention he is getting. We would love for him to find a loving home where he never has to experience the harshness of life on the streets again.


Victor was born June 2018. He was an unwanted litter and his siblings and him found themselves dumped at a pound. The pound was full, so they were all left in a wooden box in a van outside. Luckily someone heard there cries and reached out for help, which is when we became involved. All of the puppies were terrified, dehydrated and starving. They all pulled through with some loving care and went from strength to strength. Some of his siblings have already been adopted and have grown into lovely family dogs. Victor gets on well with other dogs, both male and female. He has grown into a lovely medium sized boy. 


Lenny was born June 2018.  He was left at the pound with his siblings as an unwanted litter. The pound was full so all the puppies were left in a box in a car to die. Someone heard their cries and reached out asking for help for them. We managed to get them just in time.

Lenny is a lovely boy. He is sociable with other dogs, both male and female. He can be a bit nervous at first, but given time and patience can grow in confidence and become a friendly happy boy. He would settle quicker if there was another dog in the household. 


Jon came into our care in 2018. He was dumped with his siblings at a pound as an unwanted litter. The pound was full, so they were all left in a wooden crate outside to die. We were asked to take them I order to save their lives. They were all absolutely terrified when they arrived, and have improved in their confidence, but they still need time patience and training. Jon was born in June 2018, and has never known a home of his own. We would really like him to find his family. 


Arwen was born in January 2020. We saw her in a Perrera and could not leave such a young little girl there so rescued her along with two other dogs we had seen in the Perrera. When we collected her she was terrified. We can’t imagine what had happened to her before she came into our care to make her so scared of humans. Our foster carer has been working with her, and she is gaining confidence, but will need a patient family who will give her the time and training to grow in confidence and adjust to living in a family home. She is playful and energetic and loves playing with her kennel friends, both male and female dogs, and think she would be best suited to a home with another dog.


Yako was born 19/01/2019. He was dumped as unwanted by his family. From a young puppy they had chained him on a roof terrace and just ignored him. Due to this Yako arrived in our care very scared. He has learnt to trust humans again, and is good with all his carers, but he lacks social skills with other dogs. He was never taught how to behave with them, how to play, and how to read body language. This has resulted him in being fear reactive around other dogs. Yako will need a lot of time, patience and training. Once he trusts you, he is so loving and sweet, he is just a confused scared young boy. He needs a home where people have experience with training young dogs and have knowledge of how to overcome his issues. He will need to be the only dog.


Ignacio was rescued by us when we were contacted asking for urgent help. Three days before Christmas Ignacio’s family decided they didn’t want him anymore and threw him out of the house. He desperately tried to get back in, but he was punched and kicked to stop him getting through the door. He then tried to get into neighbours houses, and was given the same treatment. Distraught, Ignacio kept returning to his former home, and kept getting beaten. We rushed to his rescue and when we collected him he was stressed and scared. Ignacio has grown in confidence and once he gets to know you he is so sweet and friendly. He gets on well with the other dogs at the residence, both male and female. 

A kind member has offered to help with Ignacio’s Adoption Donation to try and help this boy find the home he deserves


Linda is a lovely cross who came to us as her owners no longer wanted her. No reason, just didn’t want a dog anymore. She is lovely and friendly and gets on well with other dogs both male and female. She was rescued in December 2021 and was 1.5 years old 


Pepe is a lovely boy born 08/11/2015 but he needs a home in Spain where he can live out. Pepe guards room, doorways and possessions and can be aggressive and grumpy inside a home. Outside, he is fine. Loves to play in water and loves chasing a ball. Because of this we want a home where he can live out in a warm climate. 


Rambo is a four year old  cross, born March 2018, that we took into our care in January 2022. We were told he is good walking on the lead, good with other dogs, a really lovely dog with a genuine trusting character.


Xena was born January 2020 approximately as she was found be her previous owner in a poor state. He already owned a Dalmatian and decided to take Xena in. He failed to get his dogs neutered, so puppies arrived. He contacted us to help him find homes for the puppies he had, and we agreed to get Xena neutered for him. He then contacted us later to say he was changing jobs and could no longer care for Xena and asked us to take her to find a new home. Xena is a lovely girl and gets on well with the other dogs, both male and female, at the residence. She is an active girl and enjoys playing and zoomies so would suit an active home.


Olena was born approximately October 2019. She was spotted in a village with puppies. People came and took her puppies, offering them homes, but no one wanted her. She was just left on the streets. We went to rescue her and she was underweight and confused. Her puppies had vanished. She has grown in confidence in our care and her weight is improving. She tested negative for Mediterranean diseases, so her condition was just making sure her puppies were fed and had the best start. Olena is friendly with the carers at the residence and mixes well with the other dogs, both male and female.


Chula is a lovely little girl born late December. She was one of five born to a Dalmatian mum, unknown father, that were not planned. We took in all five puppies and helped the owners neuter their dogs so no more unexpected puppies arrived. Chula is a lovely girl who gets on well with other dogs.


Poppy is a lovely Mastin cross born January 2019. She was rescued from a perrera in a terrible state. She had been starved, left to fight for little food, and was confused, stressed and scared. Despite all this her loving character shone through and we could not leave her to die. She has been blood tested and got a clean bill of health and is slowly gaining weight and growing in confidence. She is a lovely character and gets on well with the other dogs at the residence, if living with another dog, she would need to be fed separately, as due to her past trauma can guard her food. Mastins are a lovely gentle breed that are used for guarding. 


Yasmin is a Dalmatian cross Pointer born in December 2021. Dalmatian cross Pointers are a lovely cross, they do not have to have a low purine diet, have the same loving character, and are just as active and slightly loopy as a Dalmatian is!  Yasmin can be a little choosy on who she is friends with, so an only dog home might be best for her, or a home with another submissive dog.


Edi is a Dalmatian cross Pointer born in December 2021. Dalmatian cross Pointers are a lovely cross, they do not have to have a low purine diet, have the same loving character, and are just as active and slightly loopy as a Dalmatian is!  Edi is a lovely friendly boy who gets on well with other dogs 


Cludo is a Dalmatian cross Pointer puppies born in December 2021. Dalmatian cross Pointers are a lovely cross, they do not have to have a low purine diet, have the same loving character, and are just as active and slightly loopy as a Dalmatian is!  Cludo is a lovely friendly boy who gets on well with other dogs 


Bianca was in a perrera, so we don’t have much history on her.  Born 15/08/2018, she is a lovely friendly girl who gets on well with other dogs, both male and female. She loves her walks and running around the enclosed paddocks playing and having zoomies.


Albie was born in 2017 and he came into our care with his brother Alfie. We were contacted asking for help as their owner had been reported and they were told they had to rehome their dogs.  Albie is a lovely friendly boy, and has lived with his brother happily.  We believe he could live with other dogs if introduced properly.


Teddy is a lovely boy who gets on well with other dogs

Teddy was born in March 2022 and we were sent videos and photos of him living in terrible conditions and being fed on stale bread and asked to help him. We of course went to get him and he arrived in poor condition. Teddy has responded really well to our care. He is getting better and is loving the attention he is getting. He loves meeting and playing with other dogs, and is very afectionate


Sara was born September 2021 and is a lovely girl. She was found wandering the streets of Seville with a Dachshund friend. She had numerous injuries, and her Dachshund friend had several wounds which when examined under sedation turned out to be bullet wounds, with bullets still lodged in him.  Sara is a friendly girl, who is enjoying the attention she is getting and her wounds are healing and she is getting better.


Filippo is a young black spotted Dalmatian who was born in September 2023. He lived with a family, who owned another Dalmatian, and the two dogs got on really well, but due to change in circumstances and the family no longer being able to offer Filippo the exercise he needs, they reached out looking to rehome him.  Filippo is an energetic boy, who is entering those teenage hood, so will need a lot of exercise and mental stimulation and also training and guidance to get through those turbulent teenage years. As with all Dalmatians, the more you put into him, the more you will get back from him, and he will be a fun, active, goofy family member


Elio is a lovely older black spotted Dalmatian who was born in August 2014. He lived in a wonderful home, and was very much loved and cared for, but due to his owner developing a heart condition and requiring numerous heart operations, he was left for long periods and really didn’t understand what was happening. His owner was informed more surgeries would be required and his health would take many months to return and they decided it was unfair to keep Elio and reached out looking for a new home for this precious boy.  Although an older dog is often overlooked, Elio is a fit boy who still loves an active life, but will also happily snooze and cuddle with you after those walks.  Elio will need training on lead walking in built up areas.


Augustin is a lovely friendly young boy who is 4 years old. Unfortunately Augustin’s owner could not care for him and he was left in the care of a family member. The family member didn’t want him, treated him poorly and then threatened to dump him.  We were asked to step in and help this boy. Augustin is a lovely dog, he gets on well with other dogs, both male and female. He is at a lovely age now, where he has gone through the puppy and teenage years, and is just settling down into adulthood. He will need training and guidance to adjust to his new world after adoption, but he is a smashing lad with a lovely character and with patience and training he will make a family very happy.


Felipe is a Dalmatian cross Podenco who was born in May 2024. He came into our care with his sister Gabriela as his owner failed to find homes for them and could no longer keep them.  These dogs make lovely loyal friendly energetic family members. Being only a puppy, he will need a lot of patience, training and perseverance, but they offer so much in return for the effort you put in, it is worth it.


Gabriela is a Dalmatian cross Podenco born May 2024.  She came into care with her brother Filipe as their owners failed to secure homes for them and no longer wanted to keep them.  These dogs make lively, active, friendly, loyal companions.  As a young puppy, she will need a lot of patience, training and perseverance, but what you put into these dogs, you get back tenfold, with a life full of enthusiastic goofy bouncy love and affection. 


Kira is a Dalmatian cross who was born in August 2023. She came into our care from another association who reached out asking for help to find her a new home.  Kira is a lovely young girl who is friendly and energetic. She would suit an active home, where she would love to go on adventures, exploring her surroundings and having zoomies. As a young dog she will need training and patience to adjust to her new environment, but given that time and effort she will make a lovely family member.


Daisy is a lovely Dalmatian cross born in October 2019.  She came into our care when she was handed to a kennels as a stray. They reached out to us for help with finding her a new home.  Daisy is a lovely energetic girl who loves zooming and playing.  She will need some training, as most rescues do, to adjust to her new environment and routine, but she will repay you with so much love.


Frida came into our care having been left in a perrera as unwanted. She was born in March 2022, and is a lovely girl. She is good with other dogs, energetic and playful. She would suit an active home where she gets lots of physical and mental exercise. Being a young dog, she will have the challenges of going through those teenage years, as well as adjusting to her new environment and routine, so she needs commitment to training and guidance as to how she should behave, but as with all Dalmatians, the effort you put in is repaid in loyalty, love and many happy hilarious moments